How Renaker made 45,000 brand impressions through a simple act of kindness
Growing your brand doesn't always require a mammoth marketing budget. Sometimes, a touch of human kindness goes a long way.
My little girl has become accustomed to listening to mummy talk about her work. This has led to lots of questions like ‘How are buildings made?’, ‘How do the really tall ones stay upright on a windy day?’ and ‘How many people does it take to build one?’.
Over the last few years, we’ve been able to watch Renaker’s work over at Deansgate Square. First, over mocktails at Cloud 23 during half-term and secondly, from the balcony of our new city centre apartment. These show-stopping skyscrapers have well and truly sparked the interest of my 7-year-old when it comes to the built environment.
A simple act that went a long way
It's not often I ask for a favour, but just before the pandemic hit, I asked if we could get a closer look. It's taken 15 months, but Renaker was finally able to grant a little girl's long held wish. Last week, my daughter and I enjoyed a personal tour and had the opportunity to ask all the questions we wanted. We saw the construction in action, explored the completed spaces, were wowed by the amenities, and bowled over by the view from the 65th floor.
With my daughter’s mind suitably blown, I came away from the tour with a deep sense of gratitude to my contacts at Renaker for taking a bit of time out of their schedule to make her day. I gave their efforts a shout out on my LinkedIn Page.
Reaping the benefits of going the extra mile
The LinkedIn post has been up for under a week and has reached well over 45,000 people. That’s 45,000 people that Renaker has demonstrated their values to, all on the back of a simple act of kindness to an inquisitive 7-year-old. In addition to the impressions, the post has garnered over 500 reactions (a LinkedIn like for those of you out of the loop) and there’s a long list of enthusiast comments from people in the industry.
This just goes to show, sometimes the simplest of acts can go a surprisingly long way when it comes to your brand. On its website, Renaker lists one of its values as ‘Developing schemes that encourage community’. They’ve demonstrated through their actions the sincerity of those words.
As a company, you don’t need to seek the limelight with every action you take. By simply doing good work, good deeds and growing healthy relationships, your brand will benefit from what others have to say about you.
While a strong marketing plan is important to reaching your goals, the importance of going the extra mile and living by your values is an often-overlooked facet of marketing success.
If you’re looking for a team to help you capture and express your values, give Luma a call and we’ll give you the tools you need for brand growth.
First published on Place North West.