2021 into 2022 – building resilience in uncertain times

As 2021 comes to a close, its time to reflect on what 2022 has in store

2021 has been another challenging year. We started with another national lockdown that brought back many of the restrictions put in place in early 2020. As the year went on, the success of the vaccine rollout allowed us to get back to some semblance of normality.

With 2022 just around the corner, we’re once again in a situation where uncertainty abounds. At a time like this, it's important to reflect on what we’ve learned in the last two years, and how that stands us in good stead to weather the storms ahead.

Remembering what we’ve learned in the last few years

Since March 2020, we’ve seen how adaptable we can be when the gauntlet is laid down by challenging circumstances. While it's difficult to know what 2022 has in store for us, it's important to remember the resilience we’ve built and how we were able to make things work when we had to.

We made remote working work for us, and where that wasn’t possible, we made our worksites safer through covid-safe working practices.

Newly discovered benefits

The challenging conditions of the last two years have forced us into new ways of working. These new working practices haven’t always been plain sailing, but some good has come out of them. Hybrid working is now seen as the way forward for many companies.

A best of both worlds approach allows for workers to enjoy more time with their families (instead of commuting), decreases stress, and can save companies money. Obviously, some level of office working where safe to do so means company culture is easier to preserve, mentoring inexperienced colleagues is more practical and the social experience is much richer.

Managing uncertainty in 2022

It's tempting to think we’re heading into the all too familiar territory of the last two years, with more questions than answers and uncertainty around everything from New Year's parties to industry events.

But the truth is we’re much more prepared for uncertain times in 2022. We’ve had the past two years to put together plans and strategies on how to manage challenging circumstances, lockdowns and covid secure working.

With the science on Omicron and the risk it poses rapidly emerging over the next few weeks, in lieu of a crystal ball, all we can do is make plans and react as needed. While this might be the cause of more event delays, or might require a more inconvenient use of vaccine passports, we should gather confidence from our newfound ability to work with uncertainty.


Luma is an integrated marketing agency, specialising in marketing for professional services and the built environment. If you’re looking for help with your marketing give us a call today and set up a free consultation.

First published on Place North West.


Luma reflections on 2021


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