Luma reflections on 2021

2021 has been a big one for Luma. In the run up to Christmas, it’s time to reflect on everything we’ve achieved this year.

It’s strange times we’re living through. Since March 2020, we’ve been scrambling to find a new baseline. With almost two years practice under our belt, we’ve become dab hands at navigating uncertainty and showing resilience when the going gets tough. Home and hybrid working are now the norm in many industries where they were once anathema and the video chat software business is booming.  

For Luma, 2021 has been a year of metamorphosis. We’ve grown to a seven strong team of marketing whizz kids and the work we’ve delivered to our clients this year is some of the best we’ve ever done. As the year comes to an end, we wanted to reflect on the year and talk about our hopes for 2022.  


There’s much to reflect on this year. We’ve doubled the size of the team, added five new retained clients to our list, built four websites and created three new brands. It’s been busy. 

But when reflecting on these last twelve months, my overriding thought is one of gratitude. 

I’m grateful for my team. They work remotely and, through video, phone and only a few meet ups IRL, they have built strong working relationships chock full of respect, empathy and good humour. 

Personally, these six brilliant humans have supported me through divorce, bereavement, two house moves and, most recently, Covid itself. The business has kept on going, almost without interruption, sometimes without me at all for weeks at a time. It’s been incredibly humbling how well they have come together to make sure that our client work continues uninterrupted. 

I’m grateful for our clients. For these companies that rely on us and have trusted us with their brand, their voice, their hopes and ambitions. For the leaders and business owners that have walked with us into places and conversations, they’ve never considered before. For the marketing and admin people who have learned new skills and stepped outside of their comfort zone. For everyone who understands the power of what we do and values our input (and particularly those who pay their bills on time) 

I’m grateful for our community. For the Manchester property folk who provide such a warm welcome when we’re out and are kind to those who don’t feel confident or able to come out. For the sharing of knowledge, connections and opportunities. It’s what makes me proud to be a part of the industry and makes me extremely thankful for all of you working in the built environment. 


While 2021 has a been a huge year for Luma, it’s also been a big one for me and my personal development. At the start of the year I was happily chugging along doing my own freelance thing without the first thought about working in house for anyone. I was put in contact with Lucy in January and knew early on that Luma was a project I wanted to be involved with.  

Not only was it a perfect fit culturally, but it was a great opportunity to get stuck into a new challenge and hone my copywriting on some big projects. 

As it turns out. The move was perfect for me. I feel connected and invested in the business and come to work ready and eager to deliver the best projects possible for our clients. In my short time here, we’ve delivered some truly remarkable projects. When the new year comes around, we’ll be showcasing some fantastic new branding work we’ve done for one of our clients and from a personal perspective, it’s some of my best work.  
That’s been a running theme with Luma since I came here. We all inspire each other to deliver the best work we’ve ever done. No big egos, just a desire to the best for our clients. 
Pushing into 2022, I’m exciting to start delivering more great work for our current clients, expanding and growing our client roster and working with the fantastic team we have here at Luma. 


I started 2021 looking out into the unknown. I was about to take a pause on my career as a chartered town planner and, whilst I had trained as a copywriter in 2020, I still didn’t know exactly how I would put my new skills to good use. 

The opportunity to work with Luma offered me the flexibility I needed as a mum of two small children – and I’m thriving because of it. I feel very lucky to be part of such a fun and motivated team. 

Whilst I’m new to the marketing world, I’ve loved writing for clients in the built environment sector because I can use my ten plus years of planning experience to my advantage.  

I real highlight for me was writing website content for a developer who needed to deliver a public consultation on a development proposal: I could translate their team’s technical documentation into plain English to make it accessible for the general public. Such a satisfying experience. 

My love for the built environment hasn’t changed, so to be able to write compelling and clear content for people who are working and making an important difference in the sector is hugely rewarding. 


2021 has been all about growth for me. Luma was my first role out of university so there was a lot to learn. Of course, there was a bedding in period where I was learning how the market works and Lucy and the team have been great at giving me the mentoring and support to grow into the role. 

I’m now more confident than ever and can work independently to support the team and deliver great work for our clients. Obviously, the timing of the pandemic has not been ideal. The learning process is much harder when everything is done remotely. You miss that 1-2-1 energy you get in an office environment. That being said, I’m incredibly proud of the progress I’ve made this year and the work we’ve delivered as a business.  

I’m still really looking forward to getting back to working in an office though. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long. 

My highlight of the year has been getting out and getting to know people! Black tie events, awards dinners and the Women in Property group; it’s all been a joy. The Manchester property community has welcomed me with open arms.  


I’ve been working with Luma for nearly 4 years now. It’s been great to see it flourish from the uncertainty of 2020. Since then, the Luma team has gone from strength to strength and whilst maintaining our loyal client base, we’ve grown and added new clients to the portfolio. It’s a privilege to be integrated into our clients businesses and provide a seamless flow of information between them and their target market.  

From a social media point of view, it’s a varied and fast-moving environment – from bringing to life the latest blogs and press releases to finding new and exciting ways to talk about networking, events and celebrations. There’s never a dull day.  

I feel a deep sense of belonging at Luma and it’s a privilege to be part of an engaging and energetic team of professionals. 


It feels like Luma has really stepped up a gear these past 12 months and I’m loving being part of the Luma crew. 

We’re working with interesting new clients in worlds I enjoy being a part of. 

Working at Luma provides the perfect work-life balance for me, and what I’ve always strived for. I can be the mum I want to be for my three young kids and still carve out my career path as a PR professional. 

I feel like I’m really part of something as Luma makes waves in the world of marketing - I have a role to play in the direction Luma takes and that gives me a real sense of purpose and achievement. 

A great bunch of like-minded, interesting and fun colleagues who I thoroughly enjoy working with.   

It’s a very positive place to work, everyone eager to push for the absolute best result possible, and that’s inspiring. 

I’m looking forward to collaborating and working alongside people in real life in our new office. I’m hoping there’ll be a little space under my desk for a big, badly behaved dog. 


2021 has been a huge year for me personally. Not only have we delivered some fantastic work for our clients, the team has grown considerably. The new team dynamic has been a joy to be a part of. Working through the puzzles of client briefs with a like-minded team that inspire each other is something that can’t be undervalued.  

I’m incredibly proud of some of the work we’ve delivered as a team this year. I also became a new mum in 2021. Balancing having a newborn and working remotely has been a new skill to learn but Luma and the team have been super understanding. 

As full of change as 2021 has been, I’m looking forward to a rest and a recharge over the Christmas period before coming into 2022 strong. 

2021 hasn’t been without its challenges, but we’ve rolled with the punches and come up stronger than ever. 

If you’re looking for marketing support that will help you grow your brand and your reach in 2022, give Luma Marketing a call and we’ll help you flourish. 


No new year’s resolutions


2021 into 2022 – building resilience in uncertain times